MMAS - Troodon® Making Material Analysis Simple! started with a customer request. That was to find a quick and easy method of material analysis for foundry samples in house.
There was nothing suitable found that met all the requirements described. So I started the journey the company is now on, to create a solution and ultimately a usable product. Therefore MMAS - Making Material Analysis Simple! We call it Troodon® and it will be about the size of a large mobile phone.
The video explains in more detail: -
Patents EP3559977 & US 10,712,296 granted.
For further details and to join our mailing list, please enquire here.
FINALLY, I attended and celebrated my Graduation for MSc by Research! Thoroughly enjoyed the day, not dampened by the rainy and snowy weather. Thanks to the University of Huddersfield for a well organised and enjoyable ceremony and reception.

Looking forward to pushing ahead with the project!